Re: Does Coca-Cola neutralize MMS?
Seems like you know more about mercury than you probably care to. Thanks for the information on candida...was not so aware of that.
Do you have any neurological symptoms?
Please be sure to read Silverfoxes posts. He really knows a lot about all this and in one of them I just recently read in a test that Candida was said to subside, but then return later, in typical nature of fungal growths.
But, I of course, do not know if that is true or not...I thought I read it was a result of a test.
I am scared about the taste of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I am highly sensitive to smells and things. I know I will not like it or be able to tolerate it.
I am going to go with the heavy dilution method and drink more to get the quantity in me. It is good to drink water that way, anyhow I think.
Then, I will see how far I get with detoxing. I put less than a 5% solution in 5 liters of water and had two glasses. I had stomach issues from that small of an amount, so I know that it was doing something. And I am really glad that I am starting out so small. It was less than one drop and I felt it working in my intestines andoxidizing bad things. I immediately got gas and could feel festering happening in my stomach that I often feel.
I am excited at the prospects of this. I was so scared until I finally tried it. Now I am not so scared.
Keep me posted!