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Re: Does Coca-Cola neutralize MMS?

J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

cwk-mms Views: 6,385
Published: 16 y
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Re: Does Coca-Cola neutralize MMS?

"Coke is a toxic substance"

I agree totally. I don't drink it a lot, but no more of it for me, as it may interfere with or suck up the MMS.

I have already done dental Mercury amalgam removal work that would make your head spin. I even had 5 dental crown caps popped off to remove the Mercury amalgam hidden underneath them. I even had some Mercury amalgam material surgically removed from within my jaw, which was originally imbedded there by a dental surgeon back in 1988 to save a failed root canal (this is a standard technique done by conventional dental surgeons, stupid & sick as it is.)

I have also tried many different Mercury chelators, again, enough to make your head spin, you name it, I have probably already tried it, from Cilantro to DMSA and beyond. Bottom line, all of this extensive Mercury removal work done by me basically did nothing for me, thus, why I am approaching my health issues from a "microbial critters" MMS perspective. I have already tried using many different anti-Candida remedies; some anti-Candida herbals (like Samento, etc.) which I have used in the past initially produced some very strong die-offs, but they all seemed to ultimately stop killing the Candida/critters. That is, they may have successfully hit the Candida resident in the intestines, but then failed to hit the Candida "systemically" remaining in the rest of the body.

The microbial/Candida die-off reactions which I have already experienced conclusively tell me that I definitely do have critters; the key for me is to take a product which will keep on killing the Candida/critters everywhere in the body, until they are eliminated or, as in the case with Candida, reduced & brought under control.

PS: I do believe that Mercury causes Candida to grow out of control; there is much on the web about a "Mercury-Candida syndrome".

- cwk



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