Hi Tom,
Can you pls post here a direct web link to the Dioxychlor vs. MMS info that you are referencing above? I can't seem to find that particular info here.
As far as I am concerned, the differences between Dioxychlor and the ACTIVATED MMS are huge, and that is the only comparison that counts, comparing the Dioxychlor product in its final consumed form to the MMS solution in its final consumed (activated) form, which is chlorine dioxide.
Note: I am brand new to posting here, and I just learned about MMS right here on CureZone just this last weekend quite by accident (or by divine guidance??) , and I am so very grateful for the MMS coverage here at CureZone, and for Jim Humble, and for the MMS product itself, which I have now started. Judging by the Herx die-off reaction (increased anxiety/OCD) that I got to my very first 3-drop dose of citric-acid-activated MMS, I would have to say that MMS is a very real product that is very different experientially for me from Dioxychlor, since Dioxychlor never gave me any Herx die-off reactions nor any benefits at all.
I am no chemist, but I do see that the Dioxychlor bottle says that it is chemically "NACL", whereas the ACTIVATED MMS is chemically "CLO2" (chlorine dioxide). That looks to me like they are two quite different chemicals/products. Also, one does not "activate" Dioxychlor but consumes Dioxychlor straight out of its bottle. Finally, Dioxychlor does not have the Chlorine-ish smell that the activated MMS does.
I will be posting my own detailed past product use history and my own MMS experiences here, but let me just say right now that I have tried many many different products/diets/cleanses (including heavy metal chelation, liver flushing, etc.) without success for 5 years to remedy what I believe to be a lifelong Candida (or other parasitic-type) cause for my lifelong depression/anxiety/OCD/eczema/food allergies/Mercury syndrome, and the MMS already seems to me to be something very different from all the other products/treatments and is something very special.
Keep up the good work!
- cwk
Just to clarify, I am not yet feeling better symptom-wise, I am now just experiencing the classic "healing crisis" die-off reactions consisting of aggravated (worse) symptoms. It is way way too soon yet to have any net beneficial improvement to any symptoms.
If you use the water-diluted natural apple juice and the pepermint lifesaver like I posted about to you above, you should be fine. Just start with an initial low MMS dose of only 1 or 2 MMS drops to begin with, and then see what sort of die-off reaction you get to that low MMS dose during the next 12 hours.
I know, I know, the posts here make it sound as if the MMS bad smell & taste will make you want to instantly gag and throw up, but I just did a single 10-drop dose of MMS activated with 50 drops of the standard citric acid solution this AM taken along with the water-diluted apple juice and the peppermint lifesaver, and I had no problem whatsoever with any MMS bad smell or taste.
- cwk
So far, the 10 drops of MMS I took this morning (7 hours ago) is just increasing my anxiety, but I have had no other bad effects yet. When I took those 10 drops, I had some Diet Coca-Cola and some liquid Ginseng extract still recently in my stomach, and I am wondering now (this question is for anyone here) if those things could possibly neutralize the activated MMS solution in the stomach. From now on, I will make sure that my stomach is truly empty when I take the MMS.
- cwk
"Coke is a toxic substance"
I agree totally. I don't drink it a lot, but no more of it for me, as it may interfere with or suck up the MMS.
I have already done dental Mercury amalgam removal work that would make your head spin. I even had 5 dental crown caps popped off to remove the Mercury amalgam hidden underneath them. I even had some Mercury amalgam material surgically removed from within my jaw, which was originally imbedded there by a dental surgeon back in 1988 to save a failed root canal (this is a standard technique done by conventional dental surgeons, stupid & sick as it is.)
I have also tried many different Mercury chelators, again, enough to make your head spin, you name it, I have probably already tried it, from Cilantro to DMSA and beyond. Bottom line, all of this extensive Mercury removal work done by me basically did nothing for me, thus, why I am approaching my health issues from a "microbial critters" MMS perspective. I have already tried using many different anti-Candida remedies; some anti-Candida herbals (like Samento, etc.) which I have used in the past initially produced some very strong die-offs, but they all seemed to ultimately stop killing the Candida/critters. That is, they may have successfully hit the Candida resident in the intestines, but then failed to hit the Candida "systemically" remaining in the rest of the body.
The microbial/Candida die-off reactions which I have already experienced conclusively tell me that I definitely do have critters; the key for me is to take a product which will keep on killing the Candida/critters everywhere in the body, until they are eliminated or, as in the case with Candida, reduced & brought under control.
PS: I do believe that Mercury causes Candida to grow out of control; there is much on the web about a "Mercury-Candida syndrome".
- cwk
"I am scared about the taste of MMS"
Did you see my post here to you about using the apple juice and the peppermint lifesavers? I too am very sensitive to bad tastes and bad smells. The apple juice and the peppermint lifesavers work well for me to mask the bad MMS taste and smell.
FYI, my symptoms are lifelong progressive chronic depression/anxiety/OCD/eczema/food sensitivities. I also had daily rectal itching for about 20 years (a sure indication of Candida), but that particular symptom at least seems to have gone away as a result of all my work thus far. The "observe your spit floating in water" test also indicates that I have Candida.
- cwk