16 y
Dear Tony - question re Selenium
Hi Tony:
I read some of your posts on another forum, one big one re selenium.
I used to take 100 mg from Life Extension but I do not use their products anymore.
My question is: how much selenium should I take - I am in my late 50's - female and dealing with a number of health issues which I am trying to combat with natural medicines.
And, what kind of selenium is the best to use - I read on one of the posts all the different forms of selenium and that really got me confused. Gosh, you really just cannot take anything without doing some research - i.e. I finally found a company who does not get their vitamin C in China - all this time I did not have a clue.
Now with the selenium I saw all those different forms and here we go again - problem is, I cannot (for health reasons and pain) sit at the computer for as long as I would like reading and reading -
Your advice and sharing of knowledge is much appreciated - I really feel at home here on your forum.
Many thanks - AK