Hi Tony: Thanks for the response - who would you say is a trusted supplier for me to get the selenium you recommended from?
I stopped taking the products from Life Extension (LEF)having been a member for many years, because I started asking questions and researching and in my humble, and certainly not professional or anywhere near as knowledgable as many of the people on curezone, decided that well, perhaps I was not getting the best quality products to put into my body.
As you already know yourself, you really have to ask questions and do your research instead of just ordering "willy-nilly" from any company on the internet.
For instance I give myself B-12 injections, 1cc about once a week or so. Well, I started getting them from my alternative doc in Boca Raton years ago and was charged $45 for the pleasure. I then did a little research on the internet and found that there were more than one kind of B-12 and that the cheapest and worst kind to get was the Cyanocobalamin which is a synthetic ..
Well, I asked the technician at the doc's office what kind of B-12 were they using and where did they get it. He told me it was the Cyanocobalamin (which is the worst kind) and that they got it from McGuff pharmacy in California. So, that is where I have been getting my B-12 30cc's for years now but, I get the Methyl not the Cyano.
And, recently when I asked Life Extension where they got their vitamin C from and they said China, well that was yet another nail in the coffin.
Do you know anything about their products - let's face it Tony, greed is so prevalent today and we have to look out for ourselves by questioning and researching and, I make it a point when I question a company about their products and they give me the info which is not to my liking, then I inform them that we will not be buying their products because of such and such a reason so that they know what their customers want and do not want, if they indeed do not want to lose customers. For instance all the companies I have used for Vitamin C, I have called and when they told me their ingrediants came from China, well, I told them we would no longer buy their products and that we would also inform our friends as well who are also concerned.
Thanks Tony - I am getting off this chair now - my legs are cramping - AK