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Weightloss not during but after the fast!
thatgirlfit85 Views: 1,749
Published: 16 y

Weightloss not during but after the fast!

I recently just finished my second fast. I completed my first Water Fast in January of '09 and I didn't loose ANY weight during the fast. Frustrated (yes, I was fasting for the wrong reasons) I began eating "normally" again. The week immediately following the fast while I was eating normally I dropped 5lbs. This past week I completed my second fast; this time it was a juice fast. While on the fast I lost 0lbs. Yesterday I went back to eating "normally" and I dropped 4lbs.

What is going on? How do I loose 0lbs while restricting but as soon as I go back to eating normally loose weight?

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

Edited to add: Would this suggest that intermittent fasting works? Like fasting for a period, then "feasting."


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