I went to a psychic after I got thyroid cancer, and she said that each lymph node where the cancer had gone was a hurt or something negative that I was holding on to. I knew right off what some of those were, and I've been working really hard to let go of them. So I believe your liver could store stuff too.
I got my new ion cleanse foot bath yesterday and I am very impressed with all the solid gunk coming out of the bottom of my feet, some looks like cheese and is supposed to be yeast, the last of which is foam supposed to be from the lymphs. I'm 56 so I'm going to do a session every other day for 56 sessions. I've been wearing a compression garment for lymphedema on my neck and chin for 4 1/2 months (1 1/2 to go), plus doing 45 minutes a day of manual lymph drainage soft-touch massage, and after 2 sessions of the foot bath the big ball of fluid in my neck is already smaller.