Sorry Angel this message got posted in the wrong thread so I will try again!
I am like you I never loose weight on the candida diet - infact I have gained weight. I often think I am the only one like this because all I read about is people who have lost weight. I know something is wrong because all I eat is chicken, veggies (including potatoes) salad, occasional salmon which is hardly enough to gain weight. I dont really know what is causing the problem but I have come to the conclusion that its not fat but fluid. Dr Jeff told me that toxins create fluid and if your liver isnt eliminating efficiently (which mine isnt - slow detoxifier) then the toxins simply get stored in your body tissues (which make you gain weight). I am not fat or anything but its so annoying when I eat a healthy Diet and I dont loose weight. The fact the weight starts to accumulate when I do strict diet or antifungals indicates to me that I am not eliminating properly and the toxins are just hanging around in my body. Thats why I take everything very slowly and support my liver as much as possible. No point throwing more fuel on the fire so to speak.