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Re: Has anyone tried OP while fasting?
MrCuddly Views: 16,581
Published: 16 y
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Re: Has anyone tried OP while fasting?

For me it's just tough to make it during the working week. For the first day or two I actually feel clearer, less emotional and it actually is easier to make decisions and get things done.

But day 3? I should have limited myself to playing Madden 09 on a sofa somewhere, but instead had one of those uniquely challenging and horrendous days where your biggest mistake was getting out of bed in the morning. The day would make a really comical blog sometime.

I actually enjoy small fasts on the weekend because it usually puts me in an elevated spiritual mood that makes me enjoy soul satisfying things like long hikes, a day at Barnes and Noble reading everything I can get my hands on, etc.

Now that my kids are teenagers, my presence isn't required on the weekends like it used to be.. (;


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