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Re: Has anyone tried OP while fasting?
MrCuddly Views: 16,547
Published: 16 y
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Re: Has anyone tried OP while fasting?

Wow - you two make me feel like a major whimp. I pitched in the towel after my 3rd full day. It was one of those rare days where everything went perfectly and completely wrong.

After the pull later in the day I was really beat up and out of it. Although I've always had a hard time with day 3 of a fast. Probably a good thing though - being fully alert on a day like today may have made me believer in Hell.

I was wondering if the OP was sending a food trigger that was making the hunger part worse. But if you've gone 16 days doing it - I guess not. I'm encouraged though - I'll try it all the way through on my next fast. It felt fantastic while I was doing it and would have liked to know how it felt doing one in the afternoon too - but i was a working day..


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