Re: --answer--Clarification Please--
Good Morning Moreless,
I will list for simplicities sake:
1) I came with test results from lab work I did not want, merely acquiesed to my family's need for a false sense of security from tradtional medicine. Because I KNOW lab results are as good as the person reading it, I was therefore hoping to get some help from you, because I respect where you are coming from - not because I don't. I may not agre with EVERYTHING you suggest, but highly respect your willingness to share - along with all other forums. I do know that B's years of storage ran out long ago for me, so my concern is that I have been running on empty TOO long and what consequences may be? DO NOT want injections, or the colostomy bag my Father had at my age from diverticuitis, or to end up in the conditions my patients are dying from.
( I believe most of our sick and diseased elderly are afflicted with parasites - one has been on dialysis for 9 years - liver flukes in the toilet suggesting kidneys shut down long ago from ACIDOSIS and SAD diet making nice home for parasites - not the other way around. She is not sick because of flukes, she has flukes because she is sick. I believe these conditions could be reversed with proper pH and other methods and it is quite frustrating to deal with the aftermath of AMA way SILENTLY - most patients, families, DOCS are not open to new ideas! Their DOCTOR IS GOD and I see the danger of making anything or anyone else God, and for me this includes you.)
2) I said I had tried EVERYTHING only about scalp issues -with TOPICAL applications (ACV, Baking soda, Borax, Hydrogen peroxide, combinations of many things, EVERY kind of oil, shampoo, etc. and while I may get temporary relief it always starts again, with CORRELATION to feces in colon ( DOCS suggest a COLONOSCOPY!!!!) Do I have a "dead zone" in there somewhere, and if so will alkalizing fix this ???? You insinuate I am mistaken about EVERYTHING, so perhaps I could top off the error of my ways with a LIVER FLUSH and I say this in jest! (I have never done and do not want to do - don't want COLONOSCOPY either.)
3) OF COURSE we should all eat top quality in season foods and since reading your forum I have made significant changes to diet. I KNOW THE PLANTS ARE SMARTER THAN BOTH OF US. THIS change will take time to have great effect after being sick long time, and perhaps scalp issue will subside EVENTUALLY? If this is the case, I could understand, but picking on the word EVERYTHING is what you do?
4) I am more than willing to let go of some supplements, now that I am not so dying and yes I tried many things I would not have otherwise, because I was dying! MY GOAL IS TO GET WHAT I NEED FROM THE MOST NATURAL SOURCE - FOOD! My body was NOT utilizing food properly for last 2 years. I believe ideally supplementation is to be temporary, and asked you if Alkalizing is so?
5) I cannot afford to fix broken AMALGAM yet, so may be continually poisoned with MERCURY? I have been a Stained Glass artist for over 30 years, and have handled much LEAD, Copper, other metals - also a copper IUD 28 years ago-gave birth to 3 after IUD - one with ADHD who seems to have outgrown this LABEL - never gave him Ritalin or any kind of Pharmas - thank God!
6) I know you are as relentless as I am, but neither of us can move forward without an open mind. I have learned much from you and others and will continue to, only sorry it took ALL this to communicate. I now understand how so very carefully I will have to convey my questions to get answers.
7) I am not as SICK and Diseased as I was when I first posted here, and I attribute this to my willingness to take responsibility, even if my ways are controversial - I have not turned to, nor will I turn to the magic PHARMA crap. If I could I would live on an organic farm, and then never NEED to post here, perhaps? As long as I seek help, I am not wrong, but would appreciate a little more GOLDEN to your rules. If your approach is the "way you would like to be treated" -then carry on.
seek2clean - still alive because of CUREZONE!