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Image Embedded Re: --Getting out of Hand?--seek2clean?
seek2clean Views: 2,580
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Re: --Getting out of Hand?--seek2clean?


What I didn't want to hear was refreshed talking to me like I'm some prima donna!

What I didn't want to hear was you using the word "STUPID" the way you did!

What I didn't want to hear was a crew of enablers flock around defending you, while I required no one to defend me!

What I most importantly did not want to hear was judgement, comdemnation, sarcasm!

And what I can't believe I heard was a suggestion that I do for B-12 what I am ALREADY DOING (BSM) and that I use as suggestion for scalp issue a remedy I have ALREADY tried!

I know I stated I have raised my pH with the Alk. drink!(merely questioned the CH and boy then the whole mess started)

Dare I ask what might be preventing the thing suggested that I'm already doing from WORKING? (BSM)

Back to the LAB RESULTS I originally posted about. Why am I short on B-12 if I have been getting it from the BSM, and for a long time now?(It is only the CH I omit sometimes, but then get calcium from plant based source w/MAG.) I POSTED TO THAT EFFECT!@!@#$%^

And what do WE do when something doesn't work? Keep trying?
Or find something that does?

What I wanted to hear was intelligence and comprehension, but instead I've got people claiming they have read ALL my posts and then responding as if they did not hear a word I said!!!

So yes, Moreless there is a communication problem here.
and thanks for the outline on how it got started, "first there is what you said". . . "then there's". . . yes, well acquainted with that stuff too. Yet, somehow in the final analysis, it is implied that it is only ME who is being obtuse!

And what is it you want MORELESS- to hear yet another successful testimonial based on your Protocal- no questions asked? When everybody finally grows up we realize, we can't always get what we want. What a naturally human trait WE displayed - that NOBODY likes to be challenged!




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