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--answer--Seeking Proof?--

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

moreless Views: 2,409
Published: 16 y
This is a reply to # 1,370,618

--answer--Seeking Proof?--

Hi seek2clean,

Your question: Moreless good morning!
As I am sipping my drink with CH this morning (throwing caution to the wind) I can't help but remember my Catholic cousins taunting me as a child with talk of God and Satan - sure they were that I would meet with fire and brimstone because I was, in their words, "a PUBLIC" and therefore not good enough - utterly doomed. I pondered this on my way to the PUBLIC school and many days thereafter tried to shed their negativity. As far as I'm concerned, both God and Satan take a lot of heat for things they do not do. I am in perfect agreement with the idea that it is about personal responsibility, therefore finding prudence in seeking PROOF!

I do not take MSM because some swindler managed to shmooze me, but because some folks outside CZ found it beneficial, my own Mother included - same with Maca - some women my age in my community, well versed in herbals, recommended it for post-Menopause. I use the forums to gather data, then to make my best guess which is all anyone can do since who knows anything will work for sure? We are not clones benefitting from one-size-fits all protocals. I am not some bit of fluff being blown this way and that, nor do I see my questions as leading me to HELL. How is it that long range planning implies my choice in WORSHIP? As previously stated, I am aware that dietary changes are a MUST, and for the duration of my life - with this I have no quarrel, but I find it interesting that you would question my motives when I want to know more about a protocal promoted by you! Ooops, my scalp is really itchy right now - seems to correspond with feces moving into the colon, telling me it's time to evacuate - but you have assured me this Protocal (and nothing else) will fix all that! Have a nice day, Moreless and I'll get back to you, and I do so admire and respect you, but right now I have to GO!!! . . .

Answer: As per your own username --seek2clean-- and your other past posts it is Clear you may have been running around in circles for much too long of a time and still have your Sickness and Diseases Haunting you?

When you came to this forum it was to Seek Better info than what you have been given because what you have has not worked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, unless you are willing to take planned action and put these ideas to good use, How do you expect to find Healing?

I may seem to be a bit Harsh on you right now, but it is time you make some Different choices than what you have been making, "IF" you expect to find Healing?

For it is Clear that what you have been doing has not been working !

I mentioned about God because you 1st brought this subject up in your claims of being a Christian or Believing in God? Even Satan Believes in God, and look where it has gotten him? Unless we are willing to walk in God's Fruits of the Spirit, what Good is Believing in God?

As to your Itching, this is because of these areas of our body becomming too Acidic from a Lack of the needed Alkaline Minerals !

WIEL had some good suggestions as anything that will raise our pH in those areas and provide any of the missing needed Alkaline Minerals may help?

You could just soak your head in 3% peroxide as long as you do not get it in your eyes and this may help Stop the itching?

Of course your hair may turn white, but white hair may be better than an itch?

If you learn to take care of your Basic Lack of needed Alkaline Minerals so as to help raise the pH of your Lymphatic fluids in your Entire body, this may help solve Most of the problems you are now having !

The Only person that can help you is Yourself !

All I can do is give you the needed Kick in the Right direction it seems you may need?

This past post says it --ALL--:

Hi Ya'll,

For the "Beginning" and the "End" of "ALL" Life in the Universe is controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !!!!!!!!!

"ALL" Sickness and Disease is "CAUSED" by the condition of the "Live Matter" becomming too "ACIDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is "MATTER", so when it becomes too Acidic, this
"Causes" -----------"ALL" "Disease"----------- and "Matter" begins it's Break down and "Decay" and "Matter" becomes "Released" back into Electro-magnetic Energy again !

"Nothing" is Gained or Lost, it "ONLY" changes it's form !

Choose Life or Death this Day !

Smile Tis your choice.


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