Thank you, thank you, thank you, Summerhaunt!
...You have hit the nail squarely on the head! (Which is probably NOT the best way to describe it.)
And, I won't go into the history of my mouth, for that's entirely too long.
But, everything I've ever heard of, and experienced, fits your discovery.
I wonder if Thomas Zudrell at the Dorn Method forum, could shed more light on this question...or would, at least, agree.
Just a few quick questions this thread inspires...
...What about the temperature, overnight?
...What about the fuel in one's furnace? I have thought, many times, that natural gas is not for me.
...The quality of the air available through the night, and all day, is a big question in my life.
...One's bedding, beginning with the mattress, and going on through the weight of the covers, the size of pillows, and even the length of the blanket (whether a person feels they have to be pulling it up all night; or away from a blanket-hog), may be a factor. Our pillows are definitely too high.
...And, I wonder if there aren't exercises a person could do to strengthen the neck and jaw in the appropriate direction. The Alexander Technique is the best I have ever seen. A 70 year-old friend just glows, even in a crowd, at a distance. The comment about breast feeding is revealing.
...A person can lose the instinct to shift position in the night, too.
All told, I think, we can simply ask ourselves to 'notice' what we need to know about our postures and tensions and strengths...and the answers will come.
Thank you for your own investigations, and for telling us.
I think you have discovered a great key to well-being!
My best wishes for peaceful refreshing sleep every night of your life, Summerhaunt.