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Medical Research Companies
  Views: 2,047
Published: 16 y

Medical Research Companies

We all need to start writing medical research companies about our condition. If they get a high volume of requests for research regarding fecal Body Odor (or whatever you have) they just may actually start looking into. I emailed one todat (Medical Research Council) and they pretty much blew me off, but they did it inthe nicest way, which is even worse lol. But seriously, if we ALL do it then maybe one of the companies will listen. This is the email I sent them:

"To whom it may concern,

I am a 26 yr. old female that has been living my whole life with a condition that doctors don't believe exists. At first I thought I was alone in this but through internet searches I found out that there are thousands out there like me, many of them suffering in silence, and some of them subcoming to taking their own lives because of this ailment and the lack of treatment available... they simply lost hope. I was wondering if your company would be willing to do a medical research on a live body to find a origin and a cure for this disorder that I and a host of others suffer from. This condition, which is a constant fecal Body Odor , severely limits the personal, social, and professional life of its sufferer. This condition is real, the people who have it are real, and we would greatly appreciate a real solution, not just being blown off by doctors who don't take us seriously.

If your company is unwilling to do this, please suggest a medical research company that might. It may also be helpful if you read some forums written by people like me. CureZone is a good place to start, just type Fecal Body Odor in your search engine.

Please don't just send this email to the trash."

You can use it as a blueprint if you want. They responded within about 5 minutes (I won't post that unless you guys request it cause it's long). Let me know how many of you are for it, in the meantime I'll keep looking for medical research companies.


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