Self-testing for candida and intestinal parasites
Just thought I'd share a potential resource that I came across today in my internet research. It's a website called,
and I came to it from a link on the College of Naturopathic Medicine UK website.
Most of you may not find it of interest since it's a UK-based service, but for those of us in Britain, it might be helpful. Also curious about others experiences with self-testing for candida and parasites.
On the site, it says you can order a test for candida, parasites,
food allergies or all 3. I'm going to speak to my GP about it tomorrow and see what she thinks, but I'm seriously considering it because I don't seem to be getting any better and if it's NOT candida, I'd like to know. The symptoms for all 3 are so similar, it's hard to tell.
I self-diagnosed candida back in June and have been on a fairly strict diet since then but things haven't improved. I was on caprylic acid then oil of oregano for a few months, but stopped because it was so expensive and didn't seem to be doing much. So we'll see.