Re: First Liver Flush - Successful! Fatty Liver???
How many flushes did you do before it changed fatty liver results (ultrasound?)? How did you know it helped your fatty liver?
My work pays for us to have a healthscreening every year that includes an ultrasound of the liver. The past 2 years in a row I have had what they say is a dense reading, the 2 readings (per year) before were clean. She said she could not diagnose, but she said it looked like what some might call a fatty liver and is associated with being overweight. I have gained over 60lbs (I am 5'2", and 46 y/o) in the past 2-1/2 years and am finding it extremely difficult for it to come off, which I have also heard about fatty livers. I also have had other things - just don't feel well in general, fatigue, hypoglycemic, slow to heal, foot pain, etc.
I also did a Master Cleanse about 1-1/2 years ago (one for 10 days and another a few months later for 14 days) and it did not change the fatty liver, as some others have claimed to have success.
I worry that too much yoyo-ing with flushes or cleanses will harm rather than heal. What do you think?
Avocado, cold-pressed Olive Oil, nuts, seeds, young cononuts (water and meat) are my main source of fats and I have not minimized there use - I am wondering if I should, in order to drop some weight? I am thinking that losing weight will help my liver?
Anyway, thanks for responding and any others, please feel free. I could use your wisdom and experience. I wanna live! LOL
You used raw animal fats to heal your fatty liver? What did you use?
Liver Flushing definitely helps with a fatty liver. I had one.
Most vegan diets do not help your liver very much, you need raw fats to help your liver.
What do I mean by raw fats? Avocado, 1-2 tablespoons of
OO (Olive-Oil) (or some other extra virgin oil) per day, raw coconut cream (from the meat of the coconut).
The best raw fats come from the animal kingdom, raw eggs, raw milk, raw butter. When I was vegan, my liver wasn't getting any worse, but it also wasn't getting any better. My liver needed raw animal fats to heal.