Hi pauline.
I did the wilsons things years ago and it was good at first but too hard on my adrenals. They use heavy doses of T3 and if you could not tollerate Armour the T3 will most likely have the same results. The trick is supporting your adrenals at the same time that you support your thyroid and to start VERY slowly with the thyroid meds. I am only on 1/8 grain of Nature Thyroid (like armour but more pure) and I do not intend to go up for a few weeks because my adrenals are so exhausted/ I actually treated only my adrenals first for 6 months before I introduced the thyroid. The website http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com
explains the balance between thyroid and adrenals and of course you have to do a lot of cleansing to rid yourself of parasites and candida too, they are all connected, it's a viscious circle!