Ingrid Naiman's Flush
Hi. I happened on Ingrid Naiman's version of a gallbladder flush (she says it's a gallbladder flush even though the various flushes are called "liver flushes", so interpret that however you wish). Her site is
Her flush consists of:
1-1/2 to 2 Cups of
Olive-Oil mixed with juice of 2 lemons.
Then take 2 tablespoons of this mixture every 15 minutes.
After it's all finished, lie down until you have to get up to start discharging.
It was not clear to me if you have to take the Stone Free formula and apple juice that she discusses in her Gallbladder article, or if you can just do this megaflush without any preparation. What is your interpretation?
In any event, her entire article is quite interesting & helpful.
So, if anyone here at Curezone has tried this, I'd sure love to hear about your experience.
She says (no kidding) that you will hate the sight of oil for a long time after you're done with the flush.