Re: Wierd pains and crackling noises...
As much as I hate the idea, I suppose I don't really have any other choice. The only problem is my wallet, I cannot work currently because of my leaky gut symptoms and am very low on cash. I'd be able to afford quite a few as it is, but I would probably need to find work immediately which I was trying very hard not to do until I start to feel better. But hey, maybe I'll start to feel better after this.
All the websites I've been to recommend a "series" of colonics. I only see a price for one site however and it's $150 for the initial visit and about 100 for each following visit. Would you say that's a decent price? It's called "Colon Hydrotherapy," I'm guessing that's the same thing?
As far as the personal (coffee) enema thing goes though .. it's PROBABLY the last thing I'd try but it certainly sounds a lot more affordable. I'm guessing it's not nearly as effective? Also I wouldn't even know where to start, are there guides, and kits you need to buy?
I wonder if these guys are knowledgable about parasites. But I suppose they wouldn't have to be as their job is to cleanse the waste and detox.
Other than all that, you mentioned that you got better and better after doing humaworm/cleanse. I am curious, if you don't mind, as to what symptoms you had previous that were cured.
Anyway, I truly appreciate and thank you for the input so far, I may yet have been persuaded to try this.