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Spiritual Virgins
rokybird Views: 2,702
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Spiritual Virgins

Nobody is going to understand whatever is said about truth. Parables, anectdotes and analogies is the only way to come close to what the experiencing of truth is. Any attempt to put truth into words makes it a lie. Even saying this much is saying too much about it.

Lets see how you explain what love is? Please describe what falling in love is?


Words are all we have to communicate, they work better than you give them credit for. We can use them because we share common experiences of what they mean. You like words otherwise you wouldnt read and write them. Words have allowed us to create our super technology.  

Love is not a what,it is the energy of the universe. -Alan Watts. Most people have experienced Love, therefore they can understand that LOve is RElationship.  There are two aspects of spiritual discussions (not counting atheists or agnostics). One is the goal, whether you believe in a dualistic version of reality or a non dualistic version.  The other aspect is the method or path. 

While you cannot describe God you can describe what you are doing. And what you are doing is Seeking. Apparently you dont believe this to be so. You can also describe experiences that you have that are lessor than enlightenment that others may have also have had.  

That is why Adi Da is unique. He explained ego consciousness as the activity of seeking. He didnt resort to parables like,:"Lest you be like a child you cannot enter the KIngdom of Heaven."

For me to tell to you who I think is enlightened, I would think you would have a similar response in return. In short, who am I tell say who is enlightened and who isn't. What are my qualifications? What certificates do any of these people have to say that they are enlightened or qualified in any way to judge that anyone else is enlightened. I can suggest a few names, I feel I can observe who is by what they say and how they say it. I can sense it when I am in the same room with theses people. I can feel it eminating from them. But really, Roky, are you going to "believe" me in what I say? I would wager not. Since you claim to know already know God contemplating itself, I would think you wouldn't need anybody esle to tell you who these people are.  Hence, I have not even attempted.


   While you can not judge peoples state of consciousness who are above you it is very easy to judge whether or not they can transmit Shaktipat (if you can receive it).  People who havent experienced Shaktipat are like Spiritual Virgins. They often will tell you that you dont need a Guru, that you can enlighten yourself, that no one can Enlighten you. Well they are dismissing thousands of years of spiritual history and culture in their ignorance. And the fact is that Shaktipat is the advantage of having a True Guru. 

Enlighenment is one of the games of life and played at the highest level requires a living Guru who can transmit Shaktipat. Most people are very content to play their spiritual game in a safe way. They read a book about it, go to a lecture.  They dont want to make a complete sacrifice of their ego. So they avoid the Guru.


Now I am not saying that if you have a True Guru you will get enlightened. I think it is more a matter of brain function that only a few possess. The Guru may open your chakras but it may be temporary.


I can say that the earth is not that much of a desert to say there has been no other enlightened being since Jesus. 

You keep repeating that I said that.I never said Jesus was the only one, but I dont know of any others in the west except Adi Da.



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