Me thinks we "may be" missing some lessons from the past
Tesla - they are claiming tapping into some energy source as of yet not recognized by main stream science. (driving the electric car around)
Reich - claims to have tapped into the same source (in my opinion) - but manifested/utilized differently. Not in the form of electricity.
Lesson to me - there is enough information + cost to play with the technology is low, that anyone can find out for themselves....
There is water vortex technology in use now as a hot water heater - almost surplus energy.... This is in use now..
I suspect soon someone will be able to measure this yet undiscovered energy (zpe/either/etc) The same stuff reki masters use, flows out our chokeras, etc.... and with machines reliably convert it into electricty - such that it can not be suppressed by big money who stand to lose their energy empires.
Isn't 100 years long enough of suppression?