High mercury levels..
HEy all,
I had a urine toxic metals test done from doctors data and my mercury level came back at 7. The reference range is <3. So, I'm more than double. My holistic doctor said it was fine and not to worry about it. Now, me, I'm concerned. The other toxins were fine. Why would my doc not be concerned. I have issues going on with my body... I have Ulcerative proctitis,
Seborrheic Dermatitis on my face and scalp, and many other small issues, that include serous fatigue, eye issues(dry eye), cold hands and numbness, anxious, depressed....
I was told to try chelorex from my shrink, who is very knowledgeable and has written many books. What should I do? Do you guys think I should try it? It's very expensive!
I do have some silver in my mouth. The chelorex is all natural (No DmSA and the other agents).
Oh, not sure if this helps, but I had an organix test done and everything was perfect except for 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylpropionate, which indicates intestinal bacterial overgrowth of the Clostridial Species. The reference range is <=.12 and I was 1.53... Super high and over! This has been extremely tough to treat. My holistic doc gave me probiotics to treat b/c he's never seen this and in such high numbers! Please, any info helps! Thank you all!!!!