Re: oh, and...
I'm trying to figure out when everything started.
Diarreha started about 12y years ago, long before my IRS problems. I was eating a lot of Thai food (had a Thai girlfriend), tons of curry and coconut milk. It seems to have gotten better, but certain foods will trigger it. My brother suffered from the same thing. I've tried to figure out if it is certain foods. Can't pinpoint anything specific. My brother is really into cleanses and herbal medicine and he has told me that his diarreha has gone away.
The pain under my sternum started about 10 years ago, again, long before my IRS troubles. The more I read comments here, the more I'm convinced I have gallstones, considering my sister-in-law had the same symptoms and had hers removed.
Hives, heart and
Psoriasis started close to when I had my IRS troubles. Could very well be stress related. My brother seems to think my liver is has toxins in it and needs to be flushed. The toxins he said are causing the allergic reactions mixed with the stress.