Is it my liver??
I just got my blood work back from the doctor and it says my tryglicerides are almost double normal levels and my SGPT levels are also high.
I am 38 years old and never had serious health problems. I've never smoked or taken drugs and I drink beer occasionally.
But for several years, I've suffered from serious pain that starts right under my sternum and radiates to my center back area. My sister-in-law suffered the same symptoms last year and ended up getting her gallbladder removed. I've always attributed this to heartburn.
About three years ago, I suffered through a period of random hives. At any given time, the hives would appear, mostly on my back and torso, or lip area. Taking over the counter anti-histimine would make it go away.
Then, about two years ago, I started getting a
Psoriasis on my face (eyebrows, cheek area below both eyes and scalp).
I still suffer from this as I write this message. It comes and goes and I've tried all medicines with no success. My doctor said it's nothing more than eczema caused by an allergic reaction to skin oils. I don't think so.
Could this be my liver and gallbladder? I am a big fan of Dr. Clark and I have her zapper, but I haven't zapped in a year or so. I've never done a liver cleanse.
Any thoughts or advise would be appriciated.