22 y
Why don't you guys just go to Moscow?
They have some very advanced dentists there that would charge only 50-100-180 dollars per tooth. I removed all my
Amalgam there and made very good restauration of my other teeth. They look great now. I am not sure if they speak very well English there (I did not have the problem cause I speak Russian), but if you have a large amount of teeth to work with I guess they may arrange for something to help the communication. There is no problem at all to find an interpreter there quite cheap also (10-16 dollars per hour). He or she will just have to explane what you need and the rest the doc will do. I can give you telephone numbers and address of the clinic if you are interested.
I can tell you that for half of the price you'd pay in your place you can have a nice tour to Moscow, pay your stay in a hotel there etc. They also have some discounts (5-15%)if you have to spend more than 1000 dollars in the clinic.
You can at the same time look for some natural therapy resorts in Russia as well, they are much cheaper and are very open to different alternative therapies like electro therapy, herbal therapy and many many others.
Anyway, just let me know if you are intereted, I can help as much as I can in establishing communication with them, and with any questions regarding the trip.
Good health!