Re: Amino Acids--OMG, and a discovery, Lyme's/ammonia/Glutamine
Yes I have been reading your blogs on Glutathione- appreciate your research.
I also did a lot of CE's..."part of Gerson therapy"...the problem I got myself into with doing them daily for months (during the heaviest
parasite killing time), was in not taking any kinds of supplements to go with them- drinking one or two raw vegetable juices per day, but nothing else. Gerson has a whole plan to go with the CE's for a reason. When you are sick, you don't eat well to begin with, so nutritional/mineral requirements are not going to come from food. Being told that "vitamins are drugs, including Vit. C", and that if I would just keep killing the parasites, and flushing the liver- that if I would just keep doing those two things for getting the liver cleaned out, it would make everything else fall into place (liver function, glands etc), with no need for supplements (plus I wasn't attentive to electrolytes) I crashed.
CZ can be a good place to learn stuff...but I've also learned to look into things for myself too, because just because someone claims to be an "expert", doesn't make them one. Time and again, things Newport has told me, has gone right along with what the ND has also found.
I remember reading about a whey protein some time back- Immunocal, I think it was called, for Glutathione. Has anyone used it?