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Re: How do I let go Of my past?
fledgling Views: 2,748
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Re: How do I let go Of my past?

Hi, Miranda,

How are you doing?

Are you feeling better?

If so, then you must be doing something good!

One quick suggestion that may make a world of difference...

...Surround yourself with the beauties of nature, and great art...the kind it takes decades to the old masters. Monet comes to mind.

I'd suggest that you take yourself outdoors, somewhere you are perfectly safe and comfortable...and surrounded by beauty. However, you say that you can't yet do anything by yourself.

Okay, but you do sound intelligent, and you can computer.

So, go to...

And, wander among the most gorgeous pictures I've ever seen.

Corbis supplies pictures to individuals and companies who are interested in purchasing them for their own uses. There's a lot of copyright involved, but anyone may look for free. This is one place photographers send their best stuff, for marketing.

I once heard that Corbis markets some 65 million pictures. Visitors to their site simply type in the subject they are intested in (top left-hand corner of first page), and get pages and pages of almost every kind of photos.

Obviously, not all will strike your fancy, but you can enlarge the view of the ones you like...and enjoy to your heart's content.

My first visit there, I looked up 'roses'. Another time I searched 'dandelions'. I even found some pictures of 'Ortahisar', a small village in Turkey I am interested in. I was so surprised to see that some parts of Turkey are visited by colorful hot air balloon rides.

Elsewhere, I learned of a major project in that country that would flood an area once populated by ancient Romans. Some archeologists searched through Roman-built underground waterways, and discovered a villa with gorgeous tile floors. They were able to save the tiles, and sent them to a museum.

I have drifted through pictures that have taken me on wonderful studies of places and things in this world that I would never have seen in any other way.

I can even go to GoogleEarth, and see places as they are photographed from satellites, of course.

I could check on Mount Kilimanjaro, or the Amazon Basin, or Tokyo, on GoogleEarth, I'm sure.

Or, view villas in France, or cottages in England. Tulips are great to look up at Corbis. Did you know that the grandfather bulbs came from the Middle East?

It's just an idea, of course, but I feel that looking at pictures of lovely things is almost as good as an expensive vacation. And the price is certainly right!

Imagination is a wonderful thing.

My best,


P.S. You might like to join a tour group, too, where everything is arranged for you. Tours are only offered to the best nice restaurants, or one I went on in Dallas, of great old houses.



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