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Re: I lose my edge and caved

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Willowley Views: 1,406
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Re: I lose my edge and caved

Hi Rob,

Your not alone in your search for a change in lifestyle it seems many of us on this forum have come to the conclusion it's time to CHANGE our bad habits and adopt a whole new way of eating.  Your off to a good start, you've already given up meat, that's more than I've done.    

The positive part of your story is that you've done it before, you spent 2 years becoming healthy so you have to know you can do it again. You must have very strong willpower and confidence in yourself to have changed to a healthy life style all you have to do is put yourself first for a while and get back to that place of loving yourself.

You have definitely not become a piece of s**t, you've simply fallen back into previous bad habits.  The thing is when we get stressed out for whatever reason and turn to junk food for comfort, that comfort we thought we were getting turns against us.  There are chemicals in most packaged foods that are addictive and what we think will be just one time eating junk turns into much more than that. 

Have you tried food combining?  I'm learning about that now and it seems that if done properly you can lose weight and maintain what a normal weight is for you and you can enjoy a large variety of foods, also you can look at this thread about changing your lifestyle in regards to food with "Eat To Live"

I firmly believe we need to enjoy our food, I don't look forward to eating foods that I'm not happy with for the rest of my life so I'm searching for something I can live with, like Mouseclick said it's a learning curve. Fasting is a good way to jump start into a healthy way of eating natural real food, you cleanse your body of all the toxins but at the same time also lose weight.

It sounds like your pretty fed up with food and ready to turn things around, just remember to be good yourself and take time to get your self esteem back, this will just be a blip in your life when you look back on it.   Try not to go into the fast stressed out, you need to be in a place of peace while fasting.

I wish you the best with whatever you choose to do, just make up your mind and tell yourself failure is not an option, make a commitment to whatever you choose to do.   Wink





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