New to forum/FD - Really confused.. with pictures
Hello fellow's.
I'm a 27 year old male from Norway. Anyone else from Norway? or close?
I found this forum a couple days ago and have found many interresting "cure" that i am going to try out.
First off all i am going to shave my head, firts with an electric raser since my head now have alot of pustuls and bums.
Also i have got a lot of acne, and small wound's in my skin.. mostly acne based.
I have never had this before, could this come from antibiotics? Kortison or steroids ?!
i have a LOT in my face.
I start having the FD trouble about 6 month's ago but the doctors gave me the diagnosis the day before christmas day 2008... what a great suprise.
However the docotors also say that it's chronic and may be a very hard disease to get rid of.. it could take years to decades... did not acutally cher me up.
Now i have been on Ery-Max and Dalacin antobiotics for about a month but it has not done anything to me.. or it done something.. it gave me fungus..
So i stopped to use the antibiotics now, also see here that most people say i should not so i think i will drop it.
Anyway, i will try to shave my head for start.
Next week i will also go see a doctor that is known for very good laser hair removal and discuss with him if hair removal could have any affect.
If the shaving have any affect, probably the laser hair removal also will.
This disease have turned my life up-side down because it affects my sleep.. it hurts, i can barely sleep for 2-4 hours.
I can not do my bussiness very well because i dont have enough energy...
and i can not travel to my partners world wide because i personally think i look like a freak.. right now.
No work - No income.. or less income.. i still have two employee, but me working so little is not any good for my income.
Also i can not see that i would be that interresting in the dating market anymore...
Very lucky for me i have a very special girl, that supports me... and i actually met here after the desease started 6 months ago... so mainly.. sha was not only looking at whats outside... and that have helped me alot to help me, because depreccion about this might would get stronder without her..
Here you can also see some picture's off my bad nightmare..