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Re: Help please for knee sprain side effects
dianna607 Views: 5,238
Published: 16 y
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Re: Help please for knee sprain side effects

Thank you both for your prompt answers and Happy Birthday, Luella.

I am a "lurker" on the Oleander forum. I have learned so much from both of you and all the others there and here.

I am sure I do not have a broken bone. I really feel the swelling at this stage is an inflammation, but I am not sure it if is too much walking or not enough. I am definitely guilty of not keeping it elevated and iced often enough, but I am getting better. I have only been wearing the neoprene brace when I have to walk a long distance, like to the car or to check my mail. It does lessen the pain. But my gut feeling is wearing it too much, as restricting as it is, will cause more swelling. It is highly possible it is the cause of the swelling because the first time I went out was Tuesday and Wednesday this week and the swelling started right after that.

I will call a church. I will not qualify for assistance because 2/3 of my money is made in 4th quarter and at this time of the year, that is the income verification they will want. I have to save that to tide me through 1st quarter, where I have virtually no income.

I have the Silver Bullet, but I don't have the correct water. Making a trip to the car to buy some is so aggravating to my knee, so I try not to do that often and I did that today. And the weather won't be conducive again until Wed or Thurs. Crutches and snow are not friends.

My nearest relative is 2 hours away and I really don't know anyone here. I will try elevation and icing for a few more days, then get the generator put together and go out and get water. But I can only carry one item in, so no food on that trip. At this point, proper water for the generator is more important!

Also I have the Omega 3. I will use that.

If I can get the swelling under control, I won't be a bad shape at all!

Thank you so much for your ideas. I will check out the different supplements the two of you suggested and see if there is anything I can afford. You have both been a huge help.



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