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Help please for knee sprain side effects
dianna607 Views: 5,261
Published: 16 y

Help please for knee sprain side effects

I sprained my knee about 10 days ago. I do not have health insurance, so going to a doctor is out of the question. I am using crutches and when I have to go out, I use a walker because of all the snow.

I had very little swelling and had daily improvement every day the first week. But now in the last few days I do have swelling at the knee which is causing pain in a whole new area and my foot is quite swollen. I am trying to ice both the knee and foot every few hours, but this is a really tough job for someone who is alone and using a crutch. Once I am reclined, I can't even really reach to my foot very well to get the ice pack there. Still, I am trying.

My liver is not in the best condition; in fact I was going to start a series of liver flushes but then this injury happened. Now it takes too long to get to the toilet to start that! I tell you this because I really don't want to take aspirin or any other anti-inflamatory drugs.

Three weeks ago I received my silver maker, but I haven't figured out how to put it together and I don't have the purified water. I had just moved my water cooler back home a couple days before this happened and I did not receive my water order. I am drinking tap water for the first time in fifteen years. AAARRGHH! I can't purchase good water and get it from my car to my loft when I am on crutches and I don't know anyone here in town to help me (I just moved here recently). People in my building are not friendly and helpful; crutches and walkers don't mix well with college students and the retirees are all south for the winter. I could order some colloidal silver, but funds are really limited as this is affecting my ability to work.

Sorry for the long winded story, but now to my question. What else, besides icing, can I do to reduce the swelling? Should I keep my neoprene brace on while icing or not? Should I keep in on while sleeping or not? It is tight and I am concerned it will cause additional swelling.

Any help anyone can provide would be very helpful.

Thank you!




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