You should be able to to dilute the carrot juice with Celery say 50/50 and see what happens with your Sugar level.Are you checking your Sugar daily and are you diabetic or pre-dibetic.I used to do allot of carrot when I first started juicing due to its sweet appeal.Today straight carrot juice is to sweet unless I temper it with algea or some spicey herbs like ginger and garlic.And you can always add greens and more greens but getting used to the taste will be the biggest issue.You could also try smaller servings and make sure you get some good fat to help with your meal for better Sugar control.The best way to control sugar is to get close to your ideal wieght and stay there.And what type of juicer are you using and have you tried fresh grass or sunflower greens and buckwheat greens.These are the things that will make your juicer a tool of disease destruction.May spring come quickly.Jeff.