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Re: Common Sense Revisited - America at a New Crossroads

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dquixote1217 Views: 1,925
Published: 15 y
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Re: Common Sense Revisited - America at a New Crossroads

Nice hatchet job Rudi, full of false accusations and venom.  It is also an outrage that is an insult to me personally and to many others at CureZone.  I can only guess that you want this to turn into a personal debate to make your stated desire to move it to another forum become a self fulfilling prophecy, instead of letting it receive the attention I think it deserves.

This is not about Ron Paul or me - though obviously the inclusion of a quote by Ron Paul (regarding freedom of access to health supplements) was all it took to send you off on another senseless tirade.

Ron Paul aside, thought that seems an impossibility with you, are we to understand that you reject all the words of our forefathers and other voices of liberty and wisdom in my article, Rudi?  Like the Torries of old, there is no lack of sheeple who are willing to submit to an all powerful government, no matter how unresponsive and oppressive it may be.  Similarly there are those who willingly embrace a nanny state which takes care of and controls them from cradle to grave at the expense of personal liberty which this nation was founded on.

Since you have chosen to once again bash Ron Paul, I once again have to ask you why it is that no other politician in Congress and no major black or other minority figure has labeled Ron Paul as a racist?  Why is it that blacks and hispanics who have worked for or known Ron Paul personally rise to his defense and not a single one who know or work for him has condemned him?

Likewise, saying that it is time to take back our country and goverment is not a call for civil war or even a call for violence.  It IS a call to return to the principles of our forefathers to have a government that serves the people and affords them unalienable rights in a constitutionally protected Republic form of government that insures equal rights and liberties for one and all.

It is a wake up call, not a call for arms, Rudi - and your example of people "letting" the FDA trample their rights is a perfect one.  They let it happen because the system has become rigged in favor of the monied elite and no longer serves the common citizen first. And they let it happen because for generations they have been lied to and led to believe that the agency codes and arbitrary decisions like those at the FDA and other alphabet agencies are constitutional laws.

Why don't you ask mo123 about how much I hate Muslims?  Or my personal black friend who is designing my new website how I have it in for blacks?  Ask the black welfare guy here locally whom we give rides back and forth to town. Talk to the parents of the black and Hispanic soccer players I coached for fifteen years and see if any of them believe that I have a bullet for the heads of their sons and daughters who adored me. Ask all of the black youth I worked with as a volunteer at a drug and alcohol rehab program, who used to joke that I was a "nigga in white skin". Ask the founder and leader of that program, football legend Isiah Robertson.  While you are at it, check in with my large group of Hispanic friends I visit with regularly and who join me on campouts at the lake.

Your fixation on Ron Paul is a sad sickness and spectacle for us at CureZone to watch, Rudi.  All anyone has to do is merely put the name Ron Paul in a post and you come unglued and cast a negative vote no matter what the rest of the post contains.  Maybe we should have a forum for Ron Paul hater(s) anonymous so you could get the help you obviously need.

And to think that I have written to you both publicly and privately asking you to reconsider your decision to leave CureZone.  Maybe you should leave after all if this low and unwarranted personal attack is any indication of what your future contributions are going to be.



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