Alone in a Sea of White Nationalists
Helen Keller was helped by a government who provided services to her that you and all of the other Ron Paul worshipers would vote against. To this day, the government you hate provides services to blind and deaf people people in every state in the Union. When you and the rest of your gang of White Nationalists can't win through the voting booth and education, the so called "patriot movement" always wants to change the majority through violent opposition. America may be full of ignorant people who are poisoned daily by the FDA but it is their choice to do so. Those that choose to become educated can also choose to eat foods that are not tainted and they can refuse treatments and drugs. A better way than proposing a Civil War where millions of men, women and children will perish is through education.
The Ron Paul you constantly quote is a White Supremacist and is certainly not the hero you make him out to be. Most White people, if they knew about Ron Paul's writings in Racist and Homophobic Ron Paul Newsletters written in his name for twenty years, would be very wary of Ron Paul's hidden agenda. If you are Black, Hispanic, Muslim, Gay, or Disabled, Ron Paul wants to take your Civil Rights away. Ron Paul consistently votes against minorities and the disabled. He and his gang of White Nationalists couldn't win at the voting booth so they want to start a shooting war to get what they want. Look into the history of what Ron Paul proposes as the solution to America's problems. He was sponsored by White Supremacist groups.
Tony Issacs is caught up in the Alex Jones/ Ron Paul White Supremacist Movement. It is easy to get sucked in but if you are among any of the groups who Ron Paul and Alex Jones would take away their Civil Rights, you might want to reconsider the call Tony makes for Civil War. He and his gang of White Nationalist have a bullet with your name on it if you are Black, Hispanic, Gay, Muslim, or Disabled. In my opinion, your post should be moved to the
Conspiracy Forum where you and your anti-semitic White Nationalist Ron Paul buddies hang out. Oppose murder as a means of changing government. The "Education instead of Medication" philosophy of CureZone has been usurped by murderers who lost at the voting booth and desire a Civil War to get what they want. Watch out when you come to CureZone. The White Nationalists will try to suck you into a cult of violence. Be wary of those proposing violence as the answer to the world's problem.