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Wow good point!
naturalgirl Views: 814
Published: 16 y
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Wow good point!

I have to say I agree with your horse and buggy and auto bailout comparison. Its a good point and true. When cars replaced buggy's those people didn't wine about getting a bailout, they had to find a different industry. You think bailing out the automakers will create more jobs? Yeah the bail outs won't make people buy them so hows that suppose to help?Most people are barely holding on to their morgages and houses they are not going to buy a new car.
Its just helping the corporate bigwigs up there fat on their a$$. Bailing out Detroit will not help anything its like putting a band aide on a torn limb. Also for the last 10 years or more its been hard to buy anything made in America. Its all mostly imported now even Detroit has been importing for years!.

Bush may have been a crappy president but csb your giving him too much credit. He was part of the problem not the cause. The problem is way more complicated than that. Its been a mixture of corporate greed and unfair taxes,overspending by government and the average American,rapid inflation,mortgage people, etc...

All I can say is I hope its not too late for the "little people" to stay afloat during this flood.


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