Actually, I agree with you Carol. It is about both creating and saving jobs, especially saving jobs that would be viable if not for the fact that we allow the jobs and the factories to be farmed out to other countries that pay slave wages and have little regard for their employees, environment or anything else except squeezing out maximum profits from minimimum costs.
It is impossible to maintain a high standard of living in America if we allow our manufacturing plants and other jobs to be farmed out to third world countries and then those products and services to come back and undercut the products and services of American companies who pay a decent wage and provide the retirement, health, vacation and other benefits to their employees.
Our politicians know this, but they have sold out to the international monied interests who could care less about our standard of living. Their world and their profits is already a global world and America is just another piece of real estate, natural resources and labor for them to divide up and own or use.
I say that instead of pressure being place on America to lower it's wages and standards of living to conform to the rest of the world and slowly turn us into another third world country, pressure should be applied to keep our jobs and plants here and to the rest of the world to raise their wages and standards of living for workers to match ours if they expect to be allowed for their products and services to compete with ones which originate here. Which would also enable our imports to be more competitive. And make us less attractive for a flood of immigrants who wish to have a better life for themselves and their families.
What had you rather do, lower ourselves or raise others up? You can achieve the same goals with either one.
Kind of a no-brainer isn't it? Though I seriously doubt that any of the Rockefellers and Rothshilds and other monied elite who own or control most of the world's wealth would agree, because their vast wealth depends on only allowing so many crumbs to be divided amongst the rest of the world.