Re: REALLY bad breath --what does this mean?
It is very embarressing to have bad breath.
I found out I had candida about 4 1/2 yrs ago I was so sick and so many things have changed in my health since.
One of the changes is BAD breath. I know I have it and my husband is usually pretty good about not making a big deal about it.
Although I think he doesnt kiss me as much anymore and probably because of this. I am very self concinous about this problem.
I know my candida is under control finally after tring so many things nothing worked until Threelac. Well, Since taking the Threelac I have realized some of my health problems I thought was candida was actually my digestive system. So this makes since if it is caused by the liver.
I wanted to do a
Liver Flush so bad tonight but I will have to wait until tomorrow I even went to costco and bought my grapefruit today..LOL
I hope you find a cure for your bodyfriend since he wont try any of the cleanse or flushes.
best of luck,,,Mo