I hope I don't make this too long, I tend to ramble. I'm new at this forum and just a few minutes ago posted a question about olive oil. I wish I had found curezone.com a long time ago.
My mother isn't the best cook and I can see that our whole family shows signs of bad health, probably caused by the diet she feeds us (don't get the wrong idea, I love her dearly!). I just turned 19 and still live at home, but I try to make my own meals whenever possible.
When I started high school I realized that I had bad breath. I tried everything I could to stop it, but it just kept getting worse. It go to the point where the whole classroom would reek of my bad breath within minutes of me entering! I'm not exaggering one bit. I was miserable in class because of it and ended up dropping out after sophomore year. After that I ended up spending all day online, mostly looking for a 'cure'.
I have been trying my hardest to avoid all sugars and red meat, but it is difficult. I drink as much water as possible, it being the only drink I will take, along with natural juices I make.
After a month of eating only 'safe' food for an anti-candida diet I noticed a lot of improvement, but the die off symptoms made me too weak to continue. I wasn't taking any supplements at the time, I know I should have. I have since tried to go back on a strict diet but I don't have the strength to do it. I have always been underweight and it is hard to explain to other people why I am on a special diet, they think I'm insane.
I had been doing a lot of reading about pH balance/imbalance and the role it plays in our bodies. I thought that for sure I would find relief if I tried to make my body alkaline, but of course I still feel very ill.
Because I knew of the correlation between Candidiasis and
parasites I decided to try a
parasite cleanse. I was only on it for four days before I quit. I was taking ParaGONE, but I didn't think that I could keep a
healthy Diet so I decided to try again some other time. On the fourth day there was a whiteish thing in my stool, probably part of a parasite.
My new plan is to do the Ultimate Cleanse, perhaps this Spring, and hope that my body feels even just a little bit better (but getting rid of that nasty bad breath would be great!)
I think you should approach your partner about this, in a sensitive way. Bad breath is only a symptom of something very wrong within the body.