New! Have FLUSH Questions! PLEASE. Thanks!
My husband and I want to do the flush together but I have a couple of questions. I am new to this board and not yet figuring out what is where so thanks!
1. TOGETHER? We want to do it together, is that a good idea?
2. DIABETES? I am a Type 2 Diabetic not on any medication anymore thank goodness, diet controlled. I want to drink all the apple juice, but it will make my
Sugar level peak. I am willing to go ahead with this anyway and test my glucose as I go along. Suggestions?
3. WHAT IS THIS PAIN? I have always had some liver/gallbladder discomfort on and off but a real flare up in the last week. Pain in the right quadrant especially about an hour after eating. I just don't trust regular doctors they are all so knife-happy. I know diagonoses cannot be made online but does this sound possibly like a gallbladder attack?
4. HOW TO DEAL WITH FEAR? I am genuinely afraid of the pain, vomiting and/or discomfort of doing this procedure. I am a very nervous, sensitive individual. Any words of wisdom? Any of the procedures more gentle than the others?
Thank you so much!