My experience (Clark's program)
Just wanted to share my experience with you folks.
I did
Hulda Clark 's cleanse 3 months ago followed by 2 months of
parasite maintain program but had little positive or interesting results.
My Next treatment i started 2 weeks ago, im now one
Wormwood day away from finishing it and this was quite a trip, i can tell you that.
My first days were absolutely fine and i felt no different for 1 week, after finishing my black wallnut tincture ( i drank full 2 tsp in 1/4 glass of water for 6 days ) and finishing up with the cloves i continued to do take my
Wormwood pills from which point i decided to try and have as little food as possible, with only having an oatmeal breakfast to take the pill with and for the rest of the day i would take raw pumpking seeds and eat fresh pineapple. On the second day of such a diet i woke up with a diarhea and to my huge surprise there it was in the toilet, a long milky-white almost transparent piece of what looked like tape... i had a few looks and i tried to think of what it could be...toilet paper i didnt flush before ? I didnt pay much attention, although keeping in my mind that it could have possibly be a worm. For the rest of they day i felt fine and the only problem was that my stool now became liquid, but not irregular.
The problems started later that day, or shall i say night - i couldnt fall asleep at all, my heart was racing and my stomach rumbling without stopping. When i finally fell asleep i was awaken by diarhea and alot of flaky white smallish strings in my stool.
Iam now on my third day of my cleanse + diet and it doesnt let up, i deficate regularly during the day for the exception of having liquid stool and alot of those wormy things in my toilet, but as it draws closer to the night i feel ever more tired and my visits to the toilet become much more frequent, i can barely sleep at night because of all the rumbling and the presence of diarrhea. Its going to be my last day of
Wormwood tommorow and i think i will let my body rest for some time before i will continue with something like that again. But thinking of continue eating cloves as to kill the eggs and possibly take L-cysteine for 6 days to mop up.
Overall, another thumbs-up for Hulda's Clark program!