16 y
Re: Does my husband have Adrenal Fatigue? Lymes? OR WHAT?
That's a tough one. Was he given any injections/vaccines recently?
Amalgam fillings? It's hard to say what he's dealing with but his symptoms sound familiar.
There could be any number of things going on but yes, there is such a thing as adrenal fatigue. I have it myself. I also have heavy metal toxicity. If you look deep enough there is usually a toxicity at play in all of these unexplainable illnesses. It could be that something recently threw him over the edge.
I would look into the
Antibiotic that he took as well. I don't know that
Antibiotic you mention but there is a whole Yahoo forum dedicated to those who have suffered horribly after having taken a fluoroquinolone. Be careful about throwing
Antibiotics at him. They can sometimes do more harm than good.
A good way to test adrenals is via saliva testing. Many alternative Drs follow this method. Hopefully, if you get an adrenal problem established it will clue the practitioner that there is something else going on that needs to be addressed.
I wish you and your husband the best.