Take a trip to your local Mexican store, or Mexican section of a drug store. They have these two products (Pomada de Azufre and Sulfur bar soap)with 10% sulfur for about 3.99 -- 6.99 depending were you go. Soap is no more than $2. Try the dollar store too. I have not used zz cream but these should work just as well, at a fraction of the cost. I am using the bar soap for my hair too. It dissolves any oil treatment you put in your hair the night before. So slather it on every night before until the mites are a thing of the past. You can buy the products online too if you are not in a metropolitan area. There is also a product called (Sulfur8 medicated, it has 2% sulfur it is a hair & scalp treatment), you can find it in the African-American hair products section. You can put it on your face so your not starting out with 10% sulfur from jump street, ease into it.