Because Im not getting nearly as many whiteheads {and sometimes none at all} now from using the cold cream and the zz cream. If these creams were something that simply clogged pores, our breakouts would remain consistant from them.
My breakouts are dying down now, but I believe this is only the first "layer" of them. I heard they rehatch every 14 days and this continues for awhile. A new layer hatches and has to be killed off again, and of course new breakouts, and so on. Im ready.
The zz cream is lovely btw! I love the smell and the cool feeling on the skin is so soothing and wonderful. It is a bit drying but if I apply it after I take the cold cream off {I do both at night-the cold cream coats areas its hard to get the zz cream into} my skin is moisterized enough to take it well.