Ive decided what the hell I may as well try one more thing for this horrific
Acne of mine..Im gonna get some of the cold cream and try seeing if I have the mites and maybe it will suffocate them. I looked for the 'official' chinese demondex creams and unfortunately there is no way I can afford that. :*( I can barely afford the cold cream right now actually but oh well. :\ So if I get the cold cream, what do I do? just put it on like a mask for a little while at night and then wash it off? Or just wash my face with it?
Also, I was wondering if chlorinated water can effect the mites. I just moved to a new city and they have a bit more chlorine in their water supply..its not a huge amount or anything but the place I lived at before had water that wasnt chlorinated at all. I noticed when I got here I broke out in tiny, little red whitehead type zits alll over my face when normally I only get the big horribly cysts not these little ones. Could that be the mites too?
Im sure if I have mites they are not the only cause of my
Acne of course..but Ive been noticing I get different types of skin breakouts..the big, horribly cysts that seem to be caused by stress and hormones, then these weird tiny zits that are almost more like a rash..and then when I eat bad foods I seem to get these deep, painful zits that look like a large pussy whitehead and hurt like hell and take forever to go away. :(
I just want to try to see if mites may be part of this. What led me to thinking this in the first place is I get weird tingling sensations and almost a biting like feeling on my face and scalp and then bam there is a new zit. :(
PLease help me know how to apply the cold cream? Thank you guys. Ive been without the net for a few weeks due to my move and Ive really missed talking to everyone here. <333