Almost cured Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis ...
Hi all,
Before I begin to say anything let me tell you something about myself. I'm from Sweden, Female, 22. I have followed this site for nearly 5 years but I rarely used to post. I also apologize if I write something incoherent cos I'm so ecstatic and in a state of frenzy that I have no control over my fingertips lol.
Jokes apart, I had severe ec for as long as 7-8 years. I had all the classic symptoms as most of you have. The repeated peeling, inflamation, an occational bleeding, yada yada yada. I did notice improvements over the years by doing certain regimen such as take anti stress pills, staying hydrated all the time, not eating junk food and most importantly by not forcibly peeling them. But there wasnt too much improvement despite all of these efforts.
The path breaking change took place last year when I got to know about this well known naturopathist whos not just intelligent but very compassionate and sympathetic. She was very humble and understanding of my problems. I told her that I have this wierd problem and she took immediate notice.
She told me that this could be only of the following resons:
1- Prolonged Stress,
2- Clogged liver and intestines,
3- A weak immune system, or
4- A combination of all or some of these.
She then suggested that I go for a two month long programme in her clinic where they provide different services ranging from a complete body cleanse, meditation, yoga, even accupressure and last but not the least a clean and healthy diet. With little alternative left, I gave an instant nod. For the next two months I was on all kinds of cleanses that were meant to clean the inner system. These cleanses were done with the help of some quintessential herbs and many other medication. I also did a daily routine of yoga and deep breathing exercies. Trust me, I felt so nice and relaxed the very fisr day itself. It was an instant stress buster.
After finishing my two month regime I did notice many improvements but not much to my liking. I compleined that to the doctor and she said that I need to be patient and she was so right. The peeling had reduced, I was feeling a lot better mentally (this could be the key to my recovery) but the real improvement took place in the next 6-12 months. Mind you, I was and countinue to be on a very strict diet which is devoid of salt, sugar, spices, red meat etc.
All my thanks and well wishes to her, I no longer have those worrying symptoms though there is very tiny peeling which is almost invisible that I hope would vanish next year. I strongly reccomemd all of you to visit a brilliant naturopathist and get these cleanses done. I assure you wont be dissapointed. Its also imperative that you compltely get stress free. You might argue how would it be possible to be stress free when we have ec but trust me you too can get cured just like me so start beleiving that you can be cured and your stress would vanish. I think its not at all a bad deal even if it takes 2 years for you to recover. Think about this: Ec for 10 years and recovery time just 2 years. NOt a bad deal at all, isnt it?
Heres my recent pic. Sorry I dont have an old pic but I can tell you it were pretty horrible. I saw the images in the gallery and mine used to be like that of many of the worst sufferers..
Any question, please let me know...