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Re: What about this?
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Re: What about this?

I have had somethinng similar, and I too have insomia. The other day, I think I had several days of not sleeping more than a couple of hours at night.

The one moring I was waking up. My schitzu/poodle likes to wake me up by standing on my upper torso near my head. I could feel him standing on me so opened my eyes and like a picture put in front or overlaying where he was, was a big wolfe standing over me. I could see his teeth so he was sort of baring them but not attacking,

It only lasted a few seconds and it disappeared and my little dog was there. It was bazaare.

I also notice I start dreaming when I am so sleepy I close my eyes, even though I am still aware of my surroundings. I will hear the words on TV and my mind will put pictures to them, I open my eyes and they are not what is going on at all.

It may be an REM disorder. I think I am going to try sleepng more hours even if they are split up.


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