Continued progress for prostate cancer using oleander & Budwig
Posted today at my Yahoo Group:
My latest blood tests (blood draw on 1/5/08) confirm the continued
drop in my PSA (see numbers below), since I started using both
Sutherlandia OPC (in liquid form) and the Budwig FOCC (flax oil &
cottage cheese).
I have reduced substantially the amount of flax I am consuming, for a
number of reasons. I am now consuming ONLY two tablespoons of freshly
ground flaxseed daily, which is mixed with my ONLY serving of FOCC [2
tablespoons of Flax Oil & half cup of no-fat cottage emulsified),
which is eaten at lunchtime. The mixture includes chopped walnuts and
chopped fresh fruit (strawberries or apples).
I have discovered that flax, in all its forms, is MUCH more powerful
than I previously thought it was. I cut back in the amount I am taking
because I am convinced that LESS is MORE effective, at least in my
personal situation -- in my battle with prostate cancer.
Here are my numbers, going back to the beginning:
06/26/06 -- biopsy w/ Gleason socre = 3+3 and PSA = 14.9
06/29/06 -- three-month injection of Zoladex
07/25/06 -- three-month injection of Lupron + Casodex
Date | PSA
03/29/06 | 13.9
07/25/06 | 05.85
08/11/06 | 02.01
09/07/06 | 00.86 -- three-month injection of Lupron
10/30/06 | 00.45
11/01/06 -- started Protocel [used it 19 months]
11/16/06 -- aborted ADT & chemotherapy
01/04/07 | 00.24 -- nadir [lowest PSA recorded]
Conclusion: It is obvious that ADT (androgen deprivation therapy)
causes a precipitous drop in PSA, but did it cause a corresponding
decrease in my PCa? No, it did not, as the following numbers show:
04/03/07 | 00.47
04/26/07 | 01.60
05/29/07 | 01.82
06/01/07 -- started TRT w/ testosterone gel-cream
06/29/07 | 04.8
08/14/07 | 07.2
10/23/07 | 16.8
11/27/07 | 18.2
01/02/08 | 19.4
01/24/08 | 25.0
Conclusion: Looks like raising my testosterone level increases the
prostate cancer! But this is not true. It is not the testosterone that
was raising my PSA but rather the masking effect of ADT (androgen
deprivation therapy) was countered by raising my T.
The question: How high would my PSA go before it leveled off to show
the true extent in the growth of my prostate cancer?
The answer: my PSA finally reached its highest point on 7/22/08 at
31.3 and has declined since that time, as follows:
07/22/08 | 31.3
07/25/08 -- started Sutherlandia OPC
09/17/08 -- added Budwig FOCC
09/23/08 | 25.0
10/02/08 -- added Ayurstate
11/11/08 | 22.9
12/26/08 -- added Iodine Therapy
01/05/09 | 21.2
I am doing other things in addition to Sutherlandia OPC and Budwig FOCC.