Re: How to get rid of Mucous in Stools?
Hi Sandy...Well, you probably already know that dysentry IS an over accumulation of
mucous and other waste matter in the colon. And this may not make sense to you...
but instead of stopping the need to cleanse the colon and get rid of
the over accumulation...for the diarrhea to stop.
The best juices for this would be carrot, spinach, a little beet and celery. And I
would mix it this way:
4 or 5 carrots
BIG handful of spinach
1/4 beet...and one or 2 beet tops wouldn't hurt
1 or 2 long sticks of celery.
The above combination will only make about one big glass...but it would be good if
you could have this 2 or 3 times a day. The above juice would be very cleansing
AND healing to the colon. And if you back off on all the bad stuff...and go with
a very light and
healthy Diet for a week or should see great improvement.
But you need to really get that colon clean...for this to turn around and stay that
Your doctor is probably treating the diarrhea...that's what doctors do...they treat
the symptoms....but you don't need to treat or stop the need to clean
out the colon and heal it. That will get this problem behind you once and for all.
Hope this helps. kathryn