Re: Has anyone tried regular exercise to help symptoms?
I just got my heart checked by the doctor, I would recommend it. I was getting shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, but my heart checked out fine. They did an EKG and a sonogram to check and see how my heart was doing and how it was pumping. They also did a stress test, where I walked briskly on a tredmill for 5 minutes or so while they mesured my oxygen flow and heart beats.
Since everything is going well, and it's been so dry here, the doc is assuming my shortness of breath is from excercise induced asthma, which I used to have as a child. Once it started raining again, the shortness of breath went away. I have an inhaler to use when I need to.
Plus, being severly out of shape, and just getting back on the horse, I am expecting to have some trouble getting back into regular excercise. But it doesn't hurt to get fully checked out, like they say, before starting regular excercise.
But man, do I feel better!!! :-)